The Chairman of the Constitutional Court (Mahkamah Konstitusi-MK), Prof. Dr. Jimly Asshiddiqie, S.H., called the people to request a judicial review to the Constitutional Court if they find any law violated their constitutional rights as citizens of Indonesia. Every citizen should aware that âWe live in a democratic country based on constitution or a democratic constitutional state,â said Mr. Chairman in a Press Conference about Reflections of 2006 and Expectations of 2007, that took place at the end of the year, on Wednesday, December 27, 2006, in Conference Room, 4th floor, MK Building. The Press Conference attended by all Constitutional Judges, Secretary General, and court clerks plus about a hundred reporters from various printing, audio, and audio visual media.
Mr. Chairman informed the audience the number of cases that arrived at and reviewed by MK from 2003 to 2006. In three years, MK has reviewed 50 laws and has called off four of them, including Law 5/2000 about the Extension of Papua Province, Law 27/2004 about Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Law 16/2003 about Decision on Government Decree No. 2/2002 about Terrorism, and Law 20/2002 about Electricity.
The descriptions of status of these 50 laws as follow: there 57 provisions of 13 Laws were stated not having a legal standing, 207 provisions of 25 Laws were rejected, and 188 sections/articles/characters of 21 Laws unacceptable. (NM)
Wednesday, December 27, 2006 | 16:34 WIB 639